Independent Global Privacy Consultants
Learn to Mind Your Own Business™.
Define the new normal.
We live in a time where privacy is as valuable as platinum. Here at Beeswax Ltd, we take that value to the next level. Our consulting services will help you help yourself to Mind Your Own Business™, and to empower your customers and audiences to do the same.
We believe in moving past the Capitalist notion of occupation-as-identity and towards a broader concept of independent global privacy and self-determination-as-identity. In this post-Pandemic world, we define our new normal - Beeswax Ltd is on the forefront of that trend-wave. Increase your awareness of industry-standard discernment of boundaries with our comprehensive suite of tools designed with your needs and the consideration of the needs of others in mind.
Using consulting strategies at the apex of industry technical advances, Beeswax Ltd uses proprietary AI machine learning analytics tools to provide non-fungible blockchain solutions for you and your business, as long as you stay out of ours. Contract with Beeswax Ltd to Mind Your Own Business™ today!
What satisfied clients Are Saying
“an inspirational, innovative, and practical approach to focusing on one’s own business concerns. beeswax ltd uses machine learning and actionable analytics to deliver unprecedented levels of personalization!”
— Noah John Rondeau, COO of Adirondacks Ciphers, Inc
“beeswax ltd is disrupting the privacy industry with its proprietary consulting strategies - they’re the answer to big data and data mining.”
— Valerio Ricetti, CPO, NSW Stonework